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Bee Clubs

There are a number of variations on the saying "Ask 10 different beekeepers a question and you are likely to get at least 20 different answers."

Belonging to a Bee Club is a great way to gain knowledge, share experiences with other beekeepers and hear some of those different answers.

Many bee clubs run introductory beekeeping courses, have a mentoring programme for support by more experienced beekeepers, may have guest speakers to speak on a range of topics, teach practical aspects of beekeeping as well as having club hives that are used to support this teaching. Meetings for most clubs are held regularly on a monthly basis.

To assist you to find your nearest bee club, we have compiled a list of the bee clubs that we are aware of, with meeting times and contact information.

A. Far North Beekeepers Club

The club meet on the third Thursday of the month at the address below, 5:30 pm. Visitors welcome.

Paula Stapleton


B. Kerikeri Beekeeping Club

The club meet on the third Thursday of every other month at the address below, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm with a practical/field day on the 3rd Saturday of every other month. For more information please contact the president or Secretary. Visitors welcome

C. Whangarei Bee Club

The club meet on the first Saturday of every month at 10:15am at the Whareora Hall on Pataua North Road, Whangarei.

Vincent Lane


D. Waipu Beekeepers Club

The club meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the address below, except June and July. Meetings start at 5.30 pm with a BBQ so please bring a plate to share and please bring $2 to cover the cost of the venue. Visitors welcome.

Christel Muir




E. Warkworth Beekeepers Society Inc

The club meet on the first Wednesday of every month at the address below. Doors open at 6:30 pm. Visitors welcome.

Grass Esposti


F. Rodney Beekeepers Club

The club meet on the second Wednesday of the month at the address below, at 7:30 pm.

G. Auckland Beekeepers Club

The club meet on the second Saturday of the month at the address below, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Please bring something to share for lunch, tea and coffee provided. Visitors welcome. Please check out the website for the extra meetings that are held from September to March.

H. Franklin Beekeeping Club

The club meet on the second Sunday each month at the address below. 10:00 am start, for a cuppa and discussion, then opening the hives at 11:30. Visitors Welcome.

Martin Brown

Vice President

I. Thames Bee Club

The club meet on the last Sunday of the month at the address below, 2:00pm - 4:00pm. "A gathering place for beekeepers in The Thames/Coromandel/Hauraki Plains area."

Jeff Cameron

Contact Person

Jill Pauling

Contact Person

J. The Whaingaroa Bee Club

The club meets most months on the second Thursday of the month at the address below,

Barbara Day

Contact Person

K. Waikato Domestic Beekeeping Club

The club meet on the third Thursday of the month ((except January) at the address below, 7:30 pm. Also on the Saturday morning following each Thursday meeting we have a club hive field day. Check the website for contact information.

L. New Zealand Beekeeping - Waikato Branch

Next meeting 27th July at address below.

Jane Lorimer


David Lang


M. Bay of Plenty Beekeepers

The club meet on the last Sunday of the month at 2: pm at a variety of venues. Please contact Judy for more information via email or phone or checkout their Facebook page.

Judy Knipmeijer


N. Rotorua Honey Bee Club

The club meet at different club members apiaries each month. Check out the Facebook page for up to date information regarding meeting days, time and location. Visitors welcome.

O. Taupo Bee Club

The club meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the address below, starting at 7:00 pm. Visitors welcome.

Mark Wainscott


Jill Stanaway


Henry Eilers

Contact Person

P. Owhango Beekeepers Club

The club meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the address below, 7:30 pm from September through to March. Visitors welcome. Please check the website or contact the Administrator if you require further information.

Tim Leahy


Q. Taranaki Beekeepers Club

The club meet on the third Monday of every month except December, at the address below, 7:00 pm. Visitors welcome.

Charl van der Heever


Kevin Farley.


R. Beekeepers Hawkes Bay Incorporated

The group meet on the first Thursday of the month at the address below, 7:00 pm. New members are welcome.

S. Wanganui Beekeeping Club

The club meet on the second Wednesday of the month (except January), at the address below, 7:30 pm. Visitors welcome.

Neil Farrer


T. Manawatu Beekeepers Club

The club meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at the address below, 7:30 pm. Visitors welcome.

Georgina Morrison


U. Southern North Island Beekeeping Group Inc.

We meet on the first Tuesday of the month (except January), at the address below starting with morning tea at 10:00 am which gives members time to catch up. The meeting proper starts at 10:30 am. BYO lunch. All welcome.

V. The Buzz Club Otaki

The club meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7pm, at the address below.

W. Wairarapa Hobby Beekeepers Club

The club meet at 2pm on the second Sunday of every month (except January). The meetings are either held at individual club members homes or at the club apiary at the address below. Visitors welcome.

Todd Clarke


Susan Skuse


X. Wellington Beekeepers Association

The club meet on the first Wednesday of the month (except January) in the Johnsonville Community Centre, Main Hall - see below for address. 6:45pm for beginners meeting and 7:30pm for the main meeting. Visitors welcome.

James Withington


Y. Nelson Beekeepers Club

The club meet on the first Tuesday of each month at the address below, Apiary visit 6:00 pm- 7:00 pm (Summer daylight saving time). Club Meeting 7:00 pm-9:00 pm (Feb- Dec inclusive). Visitors welcome.

Z. Marlborough Beekeeping Association

The club meets monthly at the address below, 2 pm. Check the website for further details.

AA. West Coast Hobby Beekeepers

The club meet on the second Saturday of the month at the address below.

AB. North Canterbury Beekeepers Club

The club meet on the second Sunday of the month 10:30 am at the club hives and the Wednesday evening 10 days later at 7:00 pm at the address below. Visitors welcome. Please contact the President or Secretary for more information.

AC. AABees (North Canterbury)

The club meet twice a month, on the second Sunday for hive day and the third Monday of the month for discussions. Visitors welcome. Please contact Susani or Maureen for more information.

Maureen Holland


AD. Selwyn Beekeepers

The club meet on the second Sunday of every month at the address below, at 1:00 pm. We are a small group of enthusiastic beekeepers who meet informally to share ideas and information. Visitors welcome.

Karen Shepard


AE. Christchurch Hobbyist Beekeepers' Club

The club meet on the first Saturday of the month at the address below (weather permitting), September - May, except the January meeting when it is the second Saturday. 11:30 am for the beginners group and 1:30 pm for the more experienced group. Visitors welcome.

Paul O'Donnell


AF. Central Otago Beekeepers (COB)

The Central Otago Beekeepers (COB) is a group of beekeepers from throughout Central Otago that meet informally most months during the beekeeping season at a group members home. For further information please see contacts below. Visitors welcome.

Robyn Haggerty

Contact Person

Robyn McFarlane

Contact Person

AG. Dunedin Beekeepers' Club

The Dunedin Beekeepers' Club is a group of friendly beekeepers from the Otago region of New Zealand. They have both hobby and commercial beekeeping members. The club meet on the second Saturday of the month at the address below from 1:00 pm for a cuppa and a chat. The meeting starts at 1:30 pm August through to April and evening meetings are held during the winter months (dates and times to be advised). Visitors welcome.

AH. Honey Bee Keepers Southland

The club meet on the first Saturday of the month at the address below, at 7:00 pm. The group's members come from Northern, Central and Western Southland.

Bruce Yates

Vice President

Chris Johnstone


AI. Southland Bee Society

The club meet on the third Wednesday of the month at the address below, Meeting begins at 7:30 pm. Visitors welcome.

Murray Christensen


Lindsay Affleck

Vice President
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