Going Live and Thank Yous
Finally, our website is live. It has been a long, but extremely enjoyable and educational journey, with a few challenges along the way. Several years ago, our journey began with our first meeting with Paul from Turboweb. From those early discussions, Anne-Marie’s outstanding design work has created a bright and timeless website that we are extremely proud of.
Add to that, the team-work of Bob and Stefan, the website developers working behind the scenes and our talented “web angels” Sarah W. and Sarah M. who have been there to answer all my questions, support my ideas and teach me the tools necessary to add all our content. Thank you all for all your support.
As well, our thanks must go to Amelia, our amazing photographer, who has taken and edited the majority of our product photos. Her eye for detail and patience in editing these photos to such a high standard has contributed to our store looking amazing. Thank you also to our models; Hayden who with a little bit of encouragement, left the factory to stand in front of the camera, my daughter Clare, my son Nathan and our gorgeous grandson Alexander who also assisted with modelling the bee suits.
We are privileged to have some very experienced beekeepers including John Berry, Derek Skinner and Frank Lindsay share their knowledge and ideas in the articles we have and we will be continuing to add in the Bees and Beekeeping section on our website.
Our Events section allows us to promote beekeeping related events including Conferences, Field Days and regular Bee Club meeting days. Tell us about your beekeeping event and we will be happy to promote it on our website.